Lovely Girl To Love

back of a standing woman

I don’t know about tomorrow,
Actually, nobody does,
There are millions of possibilities,
Lots of ifs and buts,
We will age,
Would turn into some uglier versions of us,
You would still look pretty, but I would certainly rust,

Sometimes I hate my stars,
That they brought you so late to me,
If it was always you,
Why I wasted my days and nights wandering lonely?
I missed kissing you every time there was a full moon in the sky,
and every time when I was riding my bike or I was high,

I missed you every time when I had to watch a romantic movie all by myself,
And every Valentines Day, I can only sigh at couples,
On my birthday each year, I wanted one gift less,
But I wished to see you,
You never came, neither your call or any letter,
So mean of you,

It’s easier to forget and move on,
This is what everybody does,
To believe in a childhood promise,
That’s only fools’ turf,
Do you really think was it my words,
Or you were always my destiny?
That you met so many good guys,
Yet you came back to me,

I know you never know the answer,
Actually, it doesn’t really matter,
The only thing matter is that you are here with me,
Let the past bygone, future you can shut up for the time being,
I am with the prettiest girl out there, made exclusively for me,
and I have to make up for all the lonely moments I suffered in between,
So excuse me, friends and folks, I won’t be calling anyone for a while,
I have a lovely girl to love and she is waiting for me with a smile…


You Are Like Life

pretty girl glowing with light-bulbs wrapped around her palms

Girl, You are the fear of losing job,
You are the fright that gets me on stage,
I live in my room of twelve by ten,
but it’s you who occupy the place,

You are the girl my mum warned me about,
but somehow I am adamant on buying pain,
Whenever I see you,
My brain stops, panic strikes again,

Please ignore any gibberish that I would say;
this stuttering is not a medical condition,
it happens every time I talk to you,
my brain stops thinking, you become the obsession,

It’s just my unconscious mind,
that is stuck on you,
You are the phobia that happens to me on heights,
You are the adrenaline that gets me when I fight,
I know I am a bit of a flirt,
but whenever I see you I believe in love at first sight,

You are the craze when I listen to music at full volume,
You are mania that spills out of control,
My case is incorrigible,
you are the vaccine, perhaps you are the healing alcohol,

If you still doubt my intentions,
you can check my passport,
Apart from getting heartbroken a few times,
I don’t have any criminal record,

Loving you is the only serious illness I am carrying,
Every minute without you is shortening my age,
Your refusal could become carcinogenic,
Without even smoking a cigarette,

You are the frostbite that has numbed my senses,
You are the cobra’s sting that has paralyzed me,
So even if it could kill me instantly,
it would only make me happy,
Sometimes I feel, you are like life,
the more I live, the more I die…


The Girl I Almost Had

lonely girl standing
“Sometimes, I smile thinking about our old days, on the things that we used to do or say…”

Come on! Look at that face,
That cuteness, that sauciness, that grace,
If she talks to you, consider yourself lucky,
coz she doesn’t even make acquaintances that easily,
Those dark black eyes, they are deep as sea,
those pink lips, that can make anyone weak in the knee,
but most of all, that most folks don’t see,
she got one of kindest heart in the whole galaxy,
I know this coz she once loved me,
and made me very happy,

But sometimes things don’t go as we plan,
we cry, we argue, then, in the end, we have to understand,
She was perfect but she wasn’t my destiny,
I wasn’t aware, maybe I was always someone else’s property,
We have to become friends from lovers,
it was really hard to see it get over,
She is like sunshine on a wintery morning,
last wish a person may ask before dying,
Sometimes, I smile thinking about our old days,
on the things that we used to do or say,

All I wish is, she keeps that big smile on her face,
I don’t want much, just the news that she is well and safe,
So any boy out there, who she chooses to love,
consider this a warning, respect her, she was once my girl,
you are a lucky bastard, that God give her to you,
but that doesn’t give you any luxury to be rude,
love her, treat her the best way possible,
coz she is one the best girls in the world,
give her lots of compliments, she likes hearing them,
she loves pretty dresses, ice-cream and fried chicken,
Look into her eyes and tell her that she is beautiful,
her face will glow, nothing can be that cool,

But if you ever hurt her and make her cry,
disrespect her and tell her lies,
Believe me, I don’t forget things easily,
I don’t forgive those who hurt the people I love
or slander my country,
It doesn’t matter who you are or where you will go,
I will find you one day, if not today but tomorrow,
Then I will make you pay very very bad,
so never hurt the girl I almost had…
