Standing in a queue at the railway station,
the crowd was pushing each other in frustration,
there was a policeman beating a man with a stick,
I was among the meeks, witnessing this,
the lean man was pleading and his head bleeding,
the cop was ignorant of all the begging,
“Please sir, it’s urgent, my mother is dying,
I need to see her for the last time”,
“that’s your problem, rules are rules, now go
and stand in the line”,
The man was crying, he was on his knees,
“God is watching from above, help me please”,
Everyone was watching but no one dared to speak,
nobody cares until the suffering is about his,
he wiped his tears and saw the face of the “diligent” policeman,
he left with his steps lost in the voices of the common,
Time passed as it has no other option,
my friend was having a knee operation,
sitting in a waiting room of a hospital, I saw a long queue,
after all, this is a democracy of rules made for me and you,
a man rushed through the main door with a kid,
the kid was hurt, unconscious, probably a car-hit,
“Sir please admit my son, he is badly hurt”,
“Wait in line, don’t you see, minister’s wife is having a check,
They probably didn’t remember,
they were the same policeman and the man beaten in the September,
“Sir my kid will die, I beg you”,
“It’s your problem, I am helpless like you”,
“Rules are rules…”
– N2S
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