I Don’t Smoke

Man in tuxedo waiting near car

I don’t smoke coz I like it,
No, it is not for style, neither I get high on it,
I smoke coz I don’t want to outlive you,
There is no way, I will spend one more moment here without you,
I can’t imagine my life without you in it,
If that isn’t hell, then what is?
So I take a drag now and then,
To perish early and check if there is actually any heaven,
If there would be an afterlife, which I think there might be,
I would wait for you there, I have a habit of waiting,
I would be standing in front of my car wearing a black tuxedo,
A red rose and my crazy heart for the only girl I belong to…

2 thoughts on “I Don’t Smoke

    1. Yes it would but I like to keep the lines informal and easy. However, really appreciate you reading and suggesting me changes. Thank you so much.

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